Fieldwork in social distancing

Imagined distancing - 28 march 2020

I’m training a fly to take over 
the role of a friend
it’s pitiful and unheard
of humans and their companions

but when you’re stuck 
your mind stops learning 
how to join in peace, exchange 
or carry your thought
touch and address
the skin and pain
of others

their eyes have become small, invisible 
with embraces I cannot comprehend 

I’m taking on the task 
of cajoling the fly into fathomable moves
grooming its translucent wings 
until they flap 
like hairless armpits

In Gavana, Pitesti. July 2019. Source: Olimpia Mosteanu

In Gavana, Pitesti. July 2019. Source: Olimpia Mosteanu

Olimpia Mosteanu